Frequently Asked Questions

Policy and Process

What can I report to the Office for University Equity and Compliance?

The OUEC investigates all allegations of discrimination based on Race, Color, Religion, Religious Creed, Genetic Information, Sex (including pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions), Gender, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Age, National Origin, Ancestry, Ethnicity, Disability status, or Veteran and Military status, and retaliation, consistent with the Policy on Equal Opportunity.

The OUEC also investigates allegations of sexual violence, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, stalking, and retaliation, consistent with the Policy on Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Title IX.

The OUEC also responds to any alleged violations of the Policy on Non-Fraternization.

Who do Northeastern’s Policies on Equal Opportunity, Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Title IX, and Non-Fraternization apply to?

Northeastern’s policies on Equal OpportunitySexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Title IX, and Non-Fraternization apply to all members of the university community, including students, employees, faculty, staff members, volunteers, and guests in connection with university activities.

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that states:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in all university programs and activities, including, but not limited to: student services, academic programs, class assignment, grading, athletics, admissions, recreation, recruiting, financial aid, counseling and guidance, discipline, housing, and employment.

What is an Informal Resolution?

An informal resolution is a voluntary, remedy driven process available under Northeastern’s Policy on Equal Opportunity and Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Title IX. This flexible resolution option aims to provide a pathway to resolution that is agreeable to all parties and OUEC. Informal resolutions do not result in discipline, and do not result in an official finding of fact by the university or OUEC.

Learn more about our resolution processes by visiting our Reporting & Resolution Process page.

What is a Formal Resolution?

The Formal Resolution option is a university investigation, wherein a member of the OUEC gathers information from Complainants, Respondents, and Witnesses, in order to determine whether or not someone violated policy.

A formal resolution is available under Northeastern’s Policy on Equal Opportunity, Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Title IX, and Policy on Non-Fraternization. Each policy/procedure describes a Formal Resolution step-by-step.

Learn more about our resolution processes by visiting our Reporting & Resolution Process page.

Who is Northeastern’s Title IX Coordinator?

Mark Jannoni is Northeastern’s Title IX Coordinator. In his role as the Title IX Coordinator, Mark is responsible for ensuring the university’s compliance with Title IX.

Is there a time limit for making a report?

There is no time limit for making a report; however, the university encourages reporting an incident as soon as possible in order to maximize the ability to respond effectively. If a Respondent is no longer connected with the university, the Office for University Equity and Compliance could be limited in its ability to respond.

What if I want to remain anonymous?

You may make a report without disclosing your name or personal information by using our online reporting form(open in new window). You can also report to a confidential support resource. Furthermore, any individual may report an incident to the OUEC anonymously, without disclosing their name, identifying the Respondent, or requesting any action by the university.

However, if a Complainant self-identifies to the OUEC, and the Complainant requests to remain anonymous after filing a Formal Report, the OUEC may not always be able to honor the request for anonymity while pursuing a Resolution option. The university has to balance the request in the context of the university’s responsibility to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment for university community members, as well as the fair and equitable treatment of the individuals involved. This includes the Respondent’s right to receive notice of allegations, including the identity of the Complainant, if known to the OUEC.

When the university is not be able to honor requests for anonymity, the OUEC will notify the Complainant that the university intends to proceed with an investigation, and the possibility that during the investigation, the Complainant’s identity may have to be disclosed to individuals who may have relevant information regarding the allegation.

Will the use of alcohol or drugs affect the outcome of an OUEC Process?

Northeastern encourages the reporting of all concerns regarding harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence. In some instances, students may be hesitant to report such conduct because they fear they may be charged with a violation of university policy. In keeping with the university’s interest in protecting the safety and well-being of its community, a person who reports misconduct will not be subject to disciplinary action by the university for their own personal conduct violations at or near the time of the incident, provided that any such violations did not and do not place the health or safety of any other person at risk.

Please note that the use of alcohol or drugs does not excuse sexual misconduct and a person who has been incapacitated through the use of alcohol, drugs, or by any other means cannot give effective consent to sexual activity. The university may initiate an educational discussion or pursue other educational remedies regarding alcohol or other drugs.

What standard of proof does Northeastern use in its adjudication processes under the Policies on Equal Opportunity, Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Title IX, and Non-Fraternization?

Northeastern uses the “preponderance of the evidence” standard to determine whether there has been a violation of university policy related to all allegations of discrimination. A preponderance of the evidence means that the alleged conduct is more likely than not to have occurred.

Looking for information about reporting responsibilities? Visit our Support for Mandatory University Reporters page.


What should I do if I, or someone I know, has been sexually assaulted?

Consider Physical Safety

If you have concerns about your physical safety, or the physical safety of anyone in the university community, call first responders.

  • On or near the Boston Campus: NUPD 617-373-3333
  • In all other US or Canadian Locations: 911
  • In Europe: 112
  • In the United Kingdom: 999

Seek Medical Attention, if Necessary

To find medical centers in your area, visit our support for students page and select your campus location.

Preserve Evidence, if Applicable

It can be helpful to save a record of any unwanted contact or communication. After an assault, avoid showering or cleaning before seeking medical treatment or contacting authorities.

Connect with Resources

You have many resources available to you as a Northeastern community member — visit our Resources page to view them. We encourage students who have experienced sexual violence to connect with the Sexual Violence Resource Center. To schedule an appointment, fill out this confidential service request form (log in with your Northeastern credentials).

You may also wish to utilize the Office for Prevention and Education‘s resource: We Believe You: Information on Trauma and Coping for Survivors of Sexual Violence.


Contact OUEC via email at or via the online reporting form(open in new window).

As a student, what are my options for support through OUEC?

Following a report of sexual violence or discrimination, the university will provide information about appropriate supportive, remedial and protective measures to both Complainants, Respondents, and witnesses. The goal of any such measure is to facilitate a student’s continued access to university educational programs and activities while maintaining the integrity of any ongoing OUEC process.

Available supportive, remedial, and/or protective measures include the option for students to request:

  • On- and/or off-campus medical, counseling, and other related services, including access to a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner;
  • Temporary alternate housing arrangements, including immediate relocation to different university housing;
  • A residential hall ban;
  • Altering academic class schedules/obligations;
  • A leave of absence, if qualifications are met;
  • Altering student organization schedules/obligations;
  • Altering on-campus or co-op work schedule or job assignment;
  • Alternative transportation as well as a campus escort service;
  • Assistance from local law enforcement, including increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus when possible and as deemed appropriate by the Assistant Vice President for OUEC and Title IX Coordinator or designee;
  • Disciplinary action against a Respondent who is a Northeastern community member;
  • A university No Contact Order;
  • A Judicial Harassment Protection Order or a Restraining Order
As a student, what other University resources do I have access to?

You can visit our Resources page to see an outline of Northeastern and National resources. Visit our Support for Students page to learn more about confidential resources or to find campus specific resources.

As an employee, what are my options for support through OUEC?

Visit our Support for Employees page for supports and resources. View our Reporting Options to see your choices and our Reporting & Resolution Process to see what process best fits your needs.

As an employee, what other University resources do I have access to?

Visit our Resources and Support for Employees pages to find out more about options for support.

I’m not sure whether I want to make a report to OUEC. What are my options?

Visit our Reporting Options page to see your different reporting options.

What should I do if someone files a report against me alleging that I engaged in discrimination or sexual violence?

Meet with your assigned OUEC investigator. Your investigator can explain your options for support, and can facilitate connections to support resources.

To the extent possible, OUEC recommends avoiding contact with any named Complainants prior to contacting your assigned OUEC investigator.

If you are a student, you may also wish to connect with Confidential Resource Advising Services. To schedule an appointment, fill out this confidential service request form (log in with your Northeastern credentials).

How does an OUEC investigation differ from a criminal investigation?

A criminal investigation undertaken by the police seeks to determine whether an individual violated criminal law. An individual who is found guilty of such a crime following a police investigation and trial may be imprisoned. In contrast, investigations conducted by OUEC determine whether a Respondent has violated university policy. The university utilizes a “preponderance of the evidence” standard, which requires the evidence supporting a finding of responsibility to be more convincing than the information in opposition to it or, in other words, that it is more likely than not someone violated university policy.

An individual has the right to pursue a university investigation by filing a report with the OUEC and to pursue criminal charges through the police. A Complainant may elect to file a report with the university, the police, or both at the same time. While Northeastern may provide information and support, university and criminal investigations are independent and distinct.

The processes are not mutually exclusive. A student may be arrested and charged in the criminal justice system as well as under the Code of Student Conduct. Alternatively, charges can occur for alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct, which may not be violations of the law.

The decision of whether to report an incident to the the University or the police is up to you. If you do decide to report an incident to the police, University staff are available to assist you with that process.

What is a University No Contact Order?

A No Contact Order is a university directive that is used to deescalate a situation by stating that a Complainant and Respondent can have no contact with the other either in person, electronically via phone, e-mail, text messages, social media or through a third party. A No Contact Order does not restrict space between two community members.

To request a No Contact Order, please contact the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict ResolutionNortheastern University Police Department or the OUEC.

Looking to learn more? Visit our Education page.